Due to the current speedy way of life , there are a number of women's who do not have much time to take care of their hair. So no matter how beautiful your hair is? Take care of them.
Without proper care your hair does not preserve the natural beauty of their hair, If you do some homemade remedies regularly you will regain the lost beauty of your hair.Applying homemade hair packs will help in reducing hair related problems.Not only that ,the hair will have positive benefits for a long time.
You will not even need to go to a parlour and your hair becomes stronger and with this treatment it will also save your money.
follow these things for hair care--
1) Applying Almond Oil :-
Applying a warm ,natural oil in your hair can do wonders for scalp health . Massage the head with warm oil and cover the head with a towel taken out of hot water.This cause the hair to evaporate ,Almond oil is good for hair as it contains vitamin E
2) Hair Hygiene:-
Just as hair needs to be oiled ,so must hair needs to be kept clean.To keep your hair clean and hydrated you have to wash them twice a week with a mild shampoo which does not contain paraffin. Cleaning your hair is very important so the hair follicles have space to breathe.
3) Balanced Diet:-
Proper and balanced diet is very essential for good hair.You have to include Almonds ,leafy vegetables,fish, coconut in your diet your hair will stay good.
4) Coconut Water:-
Coconut water is full of minerals . Apply coconut water on the hair and and scalp for about an hour , after an hour wash your hair . Its not only soften the hair , but also nourishes the hair follicles hair loss is reduced and hair begins to grow.
5) Coconut Milk:-
Coconut milk is very nutritious and beneficial for hair .If hair does not grow, use Coconut milk as a remedy.Grind vitamin E tablet in coconut milk and gently massage the scalp with the mixture, Do this at least twice a week . This remedy definitely improves the health of hair and scalp.
6) Shikekai,Ritha and Amala:-
In India we use home remedies and tips to overcome the problem of hair fall and hair loss since ancient times .One of them is to use Amala , Ritha and Shikekai.
Amala , ritha and shikekai can be better used as it's shampoo
For this soak 3-4 ritha ,5-6 shikekai and 1 tablespoon amala powder in water for overnight.Heat this mixture in the morning and turn off the flame as soon as it starts boiling . Now let the mixture cool down and grind it in the mixer Sieve the mixture and separate the rest.Now use this liquid as a shampoo.Once you wash your hair properly with this mixture you will feel that your hair is shining and healthier than before.
7)Mehndi and Lemon:-
Most of us use mehndi to get rid of gray hair problem.But mehndi is not only beneficial for hair dye , but also for the health of your hair.To do this Take a paste of fresh Mehndi leaves ,water of tea powder, lemon juice and curd together and make a hair pack.This problem will reduce the problem of dry hair and hair will become soft, shine and beautiful.
8)Hibiscus flower and Oil:-
Hibiscus flowers are rich in phosphorus, calcium and vitamin C and carotene in Hibiscus leaves helps in getting rid of hair loss premature graying of hair and dandruff.
Put handful of curry leaves , 250 gms of coconut oil,2 handfuls of hibiscus flowers,4 tbsp fenugreek seeds , 50 gms of Amala powder put on a low flame . Heat this oil over low heat When the juice of all these ingredients dissolves in the oil,turn off the heat and cool the oil . Apply this oil twice a week for only one hour is very beneficial,wash hair after two hour hair will become soft and shiny.
9) Eggs, Amala and Olive oil:-
It is equally true that eggs give good hair growth and nourishment.More importantly,eggs, Amala and olive oil are good for hair loss ,but also for hair growth.
In a bowl, mix the egg whites and olive oil and Amala well.Apply the mixture of beaten eggs ,oil and Amala on your hair . After 20 minutes ,wash your hair with cold water.Then apply mild conditioner to the hair and dry it naturally for better result ,you can do this once or twice a week.
Despite if these home remedies. Regular use of Shirshasana and Sarvangasana is an benefit to the hair and other parts of the head .We have already seen that this positive increases the speed of blood circulation.If you do both these asana , your hair will get a lot of health and nutrition,so your hair will remain black till old age.
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very good information